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​Oral Cancer and Throat Cancer Symptoms and Screening

May 18th, 2017

What is Throat Cancer?

oral throat cancer symptomsWhile throat cancer is a relatively uncommon cancer, its effects can be just as devastating as other more common types of cancer. When we think of throat cancer, we are really identifying a generic term for two different types of cancer: pharyngeal cancer (which develops in the pharynx, or the back of your throat and mouth); and laryngeal cancer (which is further down your throat near the larynx, or voice box). When medical and dental professionals talk about throat cancer, they are referring to either squamous cell carcinoma or adenocarcinoma. Both of which can be present in either pharyngeal cancer or laryngeal cancer.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Throat Cancer?

There are several distinct signs and symptoms of throat cancer, whether you are talking about pharyngeal cancer or laryngeal cancer. People may experience a change in the tone or sound of their voice. They may also experience difficulty swallowing or experience a prolonged sore throat. Constantly feeling the need to clear your throat, or the presence of a persistent cough with the presence of blood is also considered a sign of throat cancer. People should pay attention to ear pain, wheezing when they breathe, and swollen lymph nodes in the neck. In addition, hoarseness in the throat may be present. Typically, these signs and symptoms are not explained by pre-existing conditions or diseases. They develop independently and start the investigation toward cancer.

We all know the effects that websites like WebMD have had on people these days. Don't jump to conclusions regarding your symptoms, but if something seems worrisome, or out of the ordinary, please make sure to consult your doctor to better determine what might be going on.

What are the Most Popular Methods of Detection for Throat Cancer?

There are several clinical tests that may be conducted to determine if a person has a form of throat cancer. The most popular method is a visual inspection using a procedure called laryngoscopy, in which the doctor will place a tube with a camera attached to it down your throat to get a closer look at the tissue and lining of the throat. A biopsy is also an effective way of determining abnormalities in the tissue in the throat. MRIs (magnetic resonance imaging) tests can also be administered to see the scope of the cancerous spread. Your dentist can also play a key role in detecting throat cancer, so it is important to have regular visits with him or her.

How a Dentist Can Help in Early Detection of Throat Cancer

At Water Tower Dental Care Center, we utilize a technology called VELscope. This light technology allows our dentists to see abnormal cells that wouldn’t be normally visible to the naked eye. This is an important piece in the detection and treatment of throat cancer, as well as other oral cancers, and just one more way that we provide quality care to our patients.

What is Oral Cancer?

Oral cancer can also be known as mouth cancer. Typically, mouth cancers appear as either a bump or lesion that needs to be investigated further to determine the presence of cancer. Oral cancer can include salivary gland cancer, as well as tongue cancer and buccal (cheek) cancer. Oral cancers also include lip cancers (external lips and internal lips), oromandibular cancers (in the lower jaw), and palatomaxillary cancers (in the upper jaw and palate of the mouth).

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Oral Cancer?

The first sign that cancer may be present in the mouth is the appearance of lesions. These lesions are typically white in color or red in color and cannot be brushed off or picked off. These lesions don’t seem to have any reason for being present, and sometimes patients can’t determine when they started. Other signs and symptoms can include ear pain because the mouth, nose, and ears are all attached to one another. An unexplained sore throat, ongoing numbness or pain in the mouth, as well as difficulty swallowing, chewing or speaking can all be signs and symptoms of oral cancer. Bleeding may also be present without explanation.

The signs and symptoms associated with oral cancer can go on for some time before clients realize there is a problem. Clients are unable to pinpoint when or what has caused them and they are usually discovered after the lesions or discolorations have started. Early detection is very important when dealing with oral cancers.

What are the Most Popular Methods of Detection for Oral Cancer?

The identification of any lesions is vital in determining the type and stage of cancer that is present in the mouth. Biopsies may be taken to identify the progression of cancer. Gathering a full medical and dental history is also very helpful in diagnosing oral cancer. Stain tests, optical coherence tomography testing, and brush cytology may be required for further diagnosis and confirmation of the disease.

How a Dentist Can Help in Early Detection of Oral Cancer

Dentists are the oral care experts, and it is important to consult with your dentist if you believe you may be at risk for oral cancer, or if you have signs or symptoms you may be concerned about. As with our methods of early detection for throat cancer, Water Tower Dental Care Center will utilize our cutting edge technology called VELscope to identify any issues that may be developing differently than what is normally expected. Early detection is a key component in managing and surviving any cancer, and we are thrilled to be able to offer this detection service to our clients. Don’t wait to see a medical professional if you think you may have signs and symptoms of oral cancer.

Looking for more information about Oral/Throat cancer, or just want to set up an appointment. Contact Water Tower Dental Care in Chicago today!

​How To Treat TMJ

May 11th, 2017

how to treat tmjIf you have been diagnosed with TMJ, you probably are well aware of the symptoms: jaw pain, clicking and locking of the jaw joint as well as difficulty of chewing. It’s something that usually can be self-diagnosed, but it’s preferred to go in for a consultation with a qualified dentist.

So what exactly is TMJ?

TMJ stands for Temporomandibular joint dysfunction. There are two Temporomandibular joints on each side of your head. These joints work in conjunction with ligaments, muscles, bones and discs thereby allowing you to speak, chew and yawn.

According to medical experts, anywhere from 5% to 12% of the population suffers from TMJ. Out of all these people, it occurs more often with women than men. There really is no standard for pain or symptoms with this condition. If you suffer from one or more of the symptoms, it’s generally accepted that TMJ is the cause.

Generally speaking, the symptoms of TMJ could be one or more of the following:

  • Headaches
  • Joint sounds
  • Difficulty opening your jaw
  • Burning mouth
  • Difficulty chewing

Causes of TMJ

There are a variety of issues that could cause this condition to arise. Arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis), jaw injuries, long-term grinding of the teeth as well as connective tissue diseases can all contribute and/or increase the risk of developing TMJ.

However, TMJ is not an easy condition to diagnose as the symptoms could be related to other problems. In a lot of cases, the exact cause is very difficult to pinpoint. The best way to find out if you suffer from TMJ is to make an appointment. The doctor will go over your symptoms and make a diagnosis and create a treatment game plan.

TMJ Pain Treatment Options

Being that TMJ can sometimes be difficult to accurately diagnose, there are many types of treatments available. Assuming no pre-existing conditions and no allergies/drug complications, Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are usually the first line of defense. These are more commonly found in over-the-counter pain medications that can be purchase at any local pharmacy or drug store.

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)

Tens (and Ultrasound) are two non-invasive treatments that have successfully been used to mitigate symptoms of TMJ. These procedures use either low-level electrical currents or ultrasound to relax your facial muscles and jaw joints. These procedures are usually done at the dental office.

Orthotic Appliance (Bite Guard)

Based on various testing conducted in the office, your dentist may determine that an Orthotic Appliance, or bite guard, may be a viable therapy option as well. These bite guards, which are specifically molded to your teeth, will help keep your jaw in alignment and alleviate some of the pain associated with TMJ. After a few months with the appliance we can determine whether or not the therapy worked, or if you need to continue to wear the bite guard. Sometimes the bite guard will help within the first three months, in other cases you may have to wear the bite guard for the rest of your life.

Trigger-point injections/Acupuncture

These two treatment options are slightly more invasive because they require a needle to be put into your jaw. For trigger-point injections, pain medication is injected into various areas (including facial muscles) in order to relieve the pain. It is suggested that after the pain medication has been applied, you should engage in simple facial muscle exercises in order to help strengthen the overall area.


If you have tried all other treatment methods and are still experiencing pain, you might be a good candidate for surgery. This requires a qualified dentist to determine that the TMJ you suffer from is caused by a structural problem inside the jaw joint.

There are some people for whom surgery is the first (and only) option. If you have limited jaw movement due to displacement of a dick or if you have a severe degenerative disease, then surgery might be the right option for you.

Prior to engaging in surgery, you should make sure you understand both the risks and benefits. Your dentist will give you a rundown of what is wrong, why he/she is recommending the surgery as well as what you should expect.

Types of Surgeries to Correct TMJ

There are two types of surgeries to treat TMJ: open join surgery and arthroscopy. Each has its own benefits and is the suggested course of action due to several reasons.

Open Joint Surgery

In open joint surgery, the TMJ is operated on without the usage of video monitors or other special equipment. An incision is made in front of the ear and the joint is operated on visually. This type of surgery is recommended for people whose issues cannot be corrected with arthroscopy, there are tumors around the TMJ or the TMJ is degenerating.

Open joint surgery takes a lot longer to heal than arthroscopy. This is due to the incision and general areas of the joint that are being operated on. There are many kinds of open joint surgeries available, chat with your doctor about the one that is right for you.


This procedure requires anesthesia as the surgeon will make a small incision in front of the ear. A small camera with a light will be inserted. This will allow the surgeon to examine the TMJ and determine the best course of action. Based on what the surgeon sees, they may remove tissue or simply adjust the disk. Sometimes a second incision is made to place small corrective instruments which will help fix the problem area.

The good news is that TMJ is treatable and it tends to resolve itself within a few months in most cases. If you’re looking for a qualified TMJ specialist in Chicago, Give Dr. Aneszko or Dr. Stino a call today to schedule an appointment and finally resolve your TMJ issues!

​Are You A Candidate For Dental Implants?

May 4th, 2017

dental implants chicagoOne of the most popular solutions to missing teeth is dental implants, which have come a long way in terms of reliability since they were first introduced. We are pleased to welcome our newest dentist Dr. Karateew, who is an expert in this particular field of dentistry. At Water Tower Dental Care, we can now perform a dental implant on our qualifying patients in house, so you never have to leave the office.

What is Implant Dentistry?

If this term still sounds new to you, it may make you a little nervous. Dental implants are artificial teeth that are attached to posts that are surgically inserted into your jaw, and over time mesh together as one. They've grown popular due to their extreme durability, which makes them a permanent fix to missing teeth. You can eat with them, clean them regularly, and treat them the same way you would a normal tooth.

Dental implants can be used to replace one or more teeth, and can even replace an entire row or several teeth together in a line. They typically come in 3 pieces and are considered permanent. Because of this, they are much more popular than dentures or other solutions to replacing missing or excessively damaged teeth.

Am I A Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

Missing teeth? Considering asking your dentist about a dental implant? Maybe you're sick of dentures, or have several areas to fill in. No matter what your story is, looking into implant dentistry is a great idea. Like any sort of dental surgery, there are a few things that you need to meet in order to qualify for the implants.

You can use these common requirements to evaluate yourself and your health before talking to your dentist about the procedure. A few of the reasons you may not be considered a good candidate for dental implants could be:

  • You do not have good general health.
  • You suffer from gum disease, cancer, or diabetes, which can cause additional complications.
  • You smoke regularly or have in the past.
  • You do not have enough bone density to support the implants.
  • Your insurance does cover the procedure.

Like most things, there are always exceptions to the rule, so even if you find yourself falling into one or more of these categories, there may still options for you. The most important things we look for in our patients needing implant dentistry due to missing teeth is good health in other areas, and healthy habits when it comes to eating, drinking, and cleaning their pearly whites.

The reason we look for good health in our patients is due to their ability to endure and recover quickly from the procedure. Conditions such as diabetes may alter your bone formation and increase the risk of complications during the healing process. When it comes to health issues that cannot be avoided, we may be more lenient depending on the nature or severity of the condition.

If gum disease is already present in the patient, it can increase the risks of rejection, causing pain and swelling until the implant is removed from the jaw. Patients who do not suffer any sort of pre-existing health or periodontal conditions are the ideal patients to undergo the procedure.

Many insurances will only cover a fraction, if any, of the cost of dental implants. While more and more are accepting the procedure as the best option available, several agencies still consider other, cheaper methods to be more suitable, and will only pay out a certain amount to cover an implant. Talking with your insurance providers can help you get a better idea of what their policy is for implant dentistry.

The Benefits of Implant Dentistry

Missing teeth or chronic dental problems can do a lot of harm to your oral and general health. Weak or loose, damaged, or missing teeth can restrict your diet and cause discomfort. Having a tooth missing for long periods of time can also hurt the bone in your jaw causing it to erode, and increases the possibility of losing other teeth.

A dental implant is inserted into the bone in your jaw and will mesh with one another, so they are attached, like an anchor. Because of this, it will help support your jaw and the bone, causing it to not deteriorate and fail. This helps to avoid a sinking, sagging appearance as old age sets in, too.

The longevity of implant dentistry is the main benefit you'll find. Unlike other methods, you don't need to have them re-done several times, nor do you have to take extra care with them such as purchasing specific cleaners or sealants. They are designed to be as strong and rooted into your jaw as a normal tooth, so it won't slide or affect your eating in any way.

You'll only pay for the teeth you need, which makes dental implants an ideal choice for when just one or two teeth are missing from your gums. If you are in good health and do not suffer from any of the previously mentioned problems and want a solution for your missing teeth, come in and visit us at Water Tower Dental Care in Chicago today! Our dental professional can explain the procedure to you more in depth. Contact us to set an appointment.

​Where To Get Teeth-Friendly Cocktails in Chicago

April 27th, 2017

teeth healthy drinks chicagoDid you know that the top drinking adults consume up to 73.85 drinks every week on average? To put this into perspective, that is equivalent to four and a half 750 ml bottles of Jack Daniels weekly, or 10 drinks every day.

While that fact alone is pretty shocking, what is even more surprising is the adverse effects that some of these drinks can have on your oral health.

If you enjoy an alcoholic beverage from time to time, then it is a good idea to get to know some of the drink options that aren’t as bad for your teeth. Consuming these may help prevent serious dental issues.

In addition to knowing some basic guidelines for choosing drinks that won’t damage your teeth, it is also a good idea to know what to order at popular Chicago restaurants.

Use Common Sense for Your Liquor Selections

If you are planning on drinking or serving alcohol at a party or event, or just want to have a drink with dinner, some options have fewer sugars and that are less acidic than others. For example, wine can be terrible for your teeth due to its acidity with a pH of 3, and red wine also contains harmful staining compounds. Choosing pale beer would be a better option when it comes to the health of your teeth.

Straight spirits can be better for your teeth as they usually contain less sugar and fewer staining compounds. They also have a higher pH level of 5, which means they are less acidic. However, not all spirits are created equal, for example, rum will contain more sugars than whiskey.

And while spirits on their own may be a safer choice for your teeth, mixed drinks can bring acid and sugar to your liquor, so it is best to avoid drinks such as whiskey sours or Jack and Coke.

Protecting the Health of Your Teeth

If you are going to drink an acidic or sugar-filled beverage, then it is best to consume it with a straw. This will help to keep the damaging elements away from the enamel of your teeth, which can help prevent severe damage in the future.

Keep in mind, any alcoholic beverage that is mixed with soda is going to be extremely damaging to your teeth. If you want a mixed drink, choose one with tonic, club soda or carbonated water.

Finding Teeth Healthy Alcoholic Drinks in Chicago

If you enjoy relaxing and having a drink or two after work or on the weekend, finding a few places in the local area to get these drinks can be beneficial. We have put together a list of some of the most popular locations near Water Tower Dental Care in the Streeterville, Near North side of Chicago, to get teeth-friendly alcoholic beverages.

The Signature Room

Located on the 94th floor of the John Hancock Building, The Signature Room is a top spot for private events and fine dining. This restaurant offers an extensive selection of specialty drinks, including a few that would be teeth-friendly options. Some drinks to consider trying include the Moscow Mule and The Gold Coast.

Mity Nice Bar & Grill

A perfect place for lunch or dinner, Mity Nice Bar & Grill provides the ideal spot for a casual lunch or dinner. The location offers a number of beer options that will be safe for your teeth. We recommend giving the Begyle Blonde a try and you can't go wrong with the Escapist IPA. The majority of the draft beers on tap at Mity Nice are also from local breweries!

Harry Caray’s 7th Inning Stretch

Located on the 7th floor of the Water Tower Place on the Magnificent Mile in Chicago, this restaurant and museum combo encompasses over 23,000 square feet. In addition to fantastic food and drink options, the location also offers entertainment, retail options, and private event venues. If you are ready to have a great time while visiting this Harry Caray’s location, we recommend the Big Riki, Cool as a Cucumber, or the Daisy Cutter.


Opened in 2005, Luxbar, located in the Gold Coast Neighborhood in Chicago, offers up delicious food selections with natural and fresh ingredients. In addition to an array of options to eat, the location also offers an extensive drink menu. If you're looking for some teeth-safe options, then consider ordering Clarence Gets his Wings, Staff Meeting or full proof bourbon.


This rooftop bar is just off of Michigan Avenue on top of the Raffaello Hotel. Drumbar is an energetic and moody bar that offers some of the best cocktails you are going to experience in all of Chicago. For teeth-healthy options, consider ordering the hot oddity, narcos or one of the light beer selections.

The Bottom Line

It is fine to indulge from time to time, however, when you keep an eye on the choices that you make, it may help to prevent teeth issues and damage to a minimum. By choosing the right drinks, it can also help you consume fewer calories, as well, which is also good for your waistline.

Also, if you plan to have a cocktail or wine, even just a single drink, make sure you sip on water too. This can help to counteract the damage that some of these drinks may cause.