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​Cleidocranial Dysplasia - Dental Treatment

January 18th, 2018

cleidocranial dysplasiaCleidocranial Dysplasia was a relatively unknown condition in popular culture until one of the stars of the hit Netflix series Stranger Things went public. Gaten Matarazzo, who plays the character “Dustin”, recently came out and said he suffers from Cleidocranial Dysplasi (CCD).

CCD is a condition which affects the development of teeth and bones. Gaten stated in a recent interview that he does not have a collarbone and still has his baby teeth, which gives him a distinct lisp when he speaks. He’s also forced to wear false teeth in the front of his mouth for aesthetic reasons.

Gaten originally found it very hard to land acting jobs in Hollywood due to his false teeth and lisp. When he was cast in Stranger Things, the writers decided to write his condition into the script, so the character he plays suffers from CCD as well. Since he went public with his condition, many people who have CCD sent him emails thanking him for his awareness campaign.

What is Cleidocranial Dysplasia?

Cleidocranial Dysplasia is a somewhat rare congenital skeletal disorder that affects 1 in every 1 million people. It is characterized by babies being born with noticeable “soft spots” on the top of their head, underdeveloped or no collarbone, along with teeth and bones that don’t fully mature. Characteristics of this condition can include:

  • Short stature
  • Scoliosis
  • Wide nasal bridge
  • Protruding jaw and brow bones
  • Premature closing on coronal suture
  • Delayed closure of the space between the bones of the skull.
  • Dentures would be put in place over unerupted teeth for aesthetic and speech reasons.
  • Teeth need to be manually removed by a dentist as they erupt from the gums. This means multiple visits to the dentist chair as very little bone structure would be left if the unerupted teeth were extracted all at once.
  • There is some disagreement amongst doctors regarding the removal of primary or supernumerary teeth. Some doctors feel that if those teeth are removed, it will not promote eruption or unerupted permanent teeth. They also feel that permanent teeth might be challenging to extract because of the roots being malformed.

For many people who suffer from CCD, the most difficult part is the multiple oral surgeries that they will need to undergo. In some cases, baby teeth do not fall out naturally and they must be manually pulled by the dentist. The costs of the dental treatments can be staggering. Medical and dental insurance won’t cover the cost of the treatments either.

Currently, medical science does not recognize any link between what the mother did during her pregnancy and the onset of CCD in the child. It is thought to be transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait – in other words, it’s completely genetic. Scientists also think that if both parents are unaffected by the condition, then a spontaneous genetic mutation must have occurred for the child to be born with it. However, someone with CCD has a 50% chance of passing it onto their children.

What Can Be Done to Help?

Dental problems are usually the most significant and noticeable aspects of CCD. As such, it’s critical that patients get proper dental treatment as they grow older. There are a few suggested treatment options that can help improve both the quality of life and condition of the sufferer:

The biggest barrier to successful treatment is the overall cost of all the dental procedures that are required. Insurance will cover very little if any of the treatment procedures. Many families cannot afford such huge medical bills and are resorting to having their children live with the condition as best they can. Fortunately, there is an online support community in the form of Facebook groups, forums, and websites that are dedicated to people who suffer from CCD.

As time goes by, new advances in procedures to treat CCD are being developed. Thanks to Gaten from Stranger Things bringing this condition to the forefront of popular culture, research and breakthroughs should speed up and improve as time goes by. A charitable organization in Utah was set up to financially help people who suffer from this condition.

How to Seek Help?

While insurance companies may not foot the bill for dental treatments, there are still a wide variety of economical options available to CCD patients. There are reasonable payment options available that will allow you to begin treatment immediately and pay for it over time with payments that fit your monthly budget.

If you have any questions regarding Cleidocranial Dysplasia or how Water Tower Dental Care can help, contact us today at (312) 787-2131 to set up a consultation appointment with one of our qualified dentists. Together we can help you or your child regain their smile and confidence!

​New Year’s Resolutions to Better Your Teeth and Health

January 4th, 2018

new years resolutions health teethIt’s that time of year again when people start making their New Year’s resolutions. Make 2018 the year that you do something good for “future you”. Something as simple as a 30-minute dental cleaning will not only leave your teeth and mouth feeling super fresh, but it can prevent health related issues down the line.

We have come up with 5 easy-to-follow resolutions for the New Year. All 5 of these resolutions will not only help out with your oral health, but with your overall health as well!

Schedule a Dental Cleaning/Checkup

Whether it’s for you or your children, a dental checkup can prevent painful and expensive issues in the future. In fact, it’s been estimated that one-quarter of children from 2 -5 years old and one-half of youths 12 – 15 suffer from some form of tooth decay.

By getting a checkup and cleaning, problems can be caught (and solved) before they turn into serious issues. It’s often been said that your mouth is a window into your overall health. If you have bad oral health, it could negatively affect other parts of your body without you even realizing it.

Protip: If you would consider yourself to be a “dental chicken”, call the dentist and ask them if there’s anything they can give you to help alleviate your anxiety. There are several options available that will help put your mind at ease and prevent a mini-panic attack.

Start (or continue) Flossing!

In this fast-paced world, many people tend to “phone it in” when it comes to good daily oral care. Flossing only takes a minute or two and helps get rid of plaque that can harden near the gum line. If left to its own devices, the plaque will cause gum disease and tooth decay.

Run out and buy a can of dental floss and make it a point to floss your teeth before bedtime on January 1st. By the time you go in for your next dental checkup, your teeth and gums will be in much better shape.

Protip: You can buy floss picks which can be stored in the center console of your purse, car, or desk at work. You can also put some on the side table near the couch, so you can floss while watching t.v.

Quit Smoking!

If you smoke cigarettes on a regular basis, you might be surprised to know that you’re causing damage to your gums, teeth, and mouth – not just your lungs and skin. Smoking stains your teeth, leads to gum disease, tooth loss, and in some causes mouth cancer.

eCigs aren’t a better alternative. Science and the medical community just started studying the effects that eCigs have on oral health. There are many alternatives to eCigs that have been proven to work. Cigarette patches, the “stop smoking pill”, and even cold turkey (for those brave souls willing to test their willpower) are better alternatives than inhaling unknown chemicals that are present in eCig juices.

Brush Your Teeth More

Even if you brush your teeth twice a day, you could probably stand to brush them three times a day (once after every meal). If not, make it a conscious decision to brush immediately after you have eaten sugary snacks or sweets. This way, you’re actively limiting the amount of time that your teeth are exposed to sugars, which gives bad bacteria less time to do harm.

Protip: Most home goods stores sell travel toothbrushes. They usually come in a plastic carrying case. Buy one of those and a small tube of toothpaste and you can store them in your desk at work. A quick trip to the bathroom after lunch to brush your teeth, and you’ll walk back to your desk with a minty-fresh smile!

Cut Back on Sugary Snacks

This one is literally a no-brainer. Sugary snacks are bad for you, bad for your teeth and bad for your overall health. They cause weight gain, diabetes, and tooth decay. The $7 triple venti latte café mocha with 25lbs of sugar that you get every morning before work isn’t helping either.

Try brewing coffee at home before you go to work. Not only will you save hundreds of dollars every month, but you can prevent yourself from damaging your teeth and health by drinking that much sugar on a daily basis.

Protip: The amount of money you’ll invest in a single-serve coffee maker and travel mug is miniscule in comparison to the money you’ll save by not buying a $7 latte every morning. You’ll also get to work much sooner!

Chicago Family Dentist

If your New Year’s resolution is to make sure that you’re doing all you can to maintain your oral health, schedule an appointment at Water Tower Dental Care. Our qualified and highly skilled dentists and dental assistants will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have and offer suggestions on how you can easily keep your New Year’s resolution to take better care of your gums and teeth!

​The Abrasiveness of Toothpastes

December 21st, 2017

toothpaste abrasivenessDid you know that toothpaste has a secret measurement that’s usually not listed anywhere on the label or product?

This measurement is called the “relative dentin abrasivity”, or RDA for short. The RDA measures how abrasive toothpaste is on your teeth. Yes, there are some brands of toothpaste on the market that can be bad for your teeth if used on a regular basis.

The Food and Drug Administration requires all toothpaste companies to regularly measure the RDA of their product and disclose that measurement to the FDA prior to gaining approval. However, the law does not require the toothpaste companies to disclose how abrasive their product is on the label, packaging, or product itself.

This can be potentially harmful to certain groups of people. Scientific studies have shown that eroded tooth enamel is highly susceptible to abrasion. Over time the wear and tear caused by abrasive toothpaste on people with eroded tooth enamel can lead to negative consequences with regards to sensitivity, functionality, and even the overall aesthetics.

Toothpaste Ingredients

The various ingredients in toothpaste have a specific job to perform. While overall totals vary widely from manufacturer to manufacturer, here is a general breakdown of ingredients, total percentage, and their purpose:

Abrasives – Abrasives are required by toothpaste because they help remove stains and debris from teeth. Aluminum oxide, calcium pyrophosphate, and even silica are all used as abrasives. The make up 20-40% of overall toothpaste ingredients.

Binders – Binders are used to provide shape and consistency to the toothpaste as it is squeezed out of the tube. Polymers such as carboxymethyl cellulose, alginate, and gums are used. Binders comprise around 2% of toothpaste ingredients.

Humectants – These prevent loss of water and hardening of the toothpaste when exposed to air. Glycerine, sorbitol, and polyethylene are just a few of the ingredients that toothpaste humectants can contain. They make up anywhere from 20-40% of toothpaste.


The American Dental Association (ADA) has come out with guidelines for toothpastes that contain the ADA Seal of Acceptance, which is a designation awarded to products that the ADA determines as beneficial to overall dental health.

For example, before the ADA will give out a Seal of Acceptance, the toothpaste must contain fluoride. It cannot contain flavoring agents which contribute to or cause tooth decay. Scientific evidence must be provided that demonstrates the safety and efficacy of the product.

The ADA also has guidelines for the Relative Dentin Abrasivity of a toothpaste. They recognize that the dentin that lies beneath tooth enamel can be exposed. If an abrasive enough toothpaste is used, it can cause further harm to the dentin. The RDA is a scale that goes from 0 – 250.

RDA Table for Toothpaste

0 – 70 Low abrasive
70 – 100 Medium abrasive
100 – 150 Highly abrasive
150 – 250 Harmful limit

The lower the RDA number on the above chart, the less likely the product will cause wear and tear on your tooth enamel/dentin. Low abrasivity means a safer toothpaste to use.

Back in the early 1900’s, there were no RDA recommendations. No standards or FDA rules existed. Major toothpaste manufacturers regularly used beach sand and ground up cuttlefish bones to increase the cleaning power of their products – or so they thought. If compared to today’s standards, the toothpaste of the early 1900’s would have an abrasiveness index of around 1,000 to 2,000!

Brands of Toothpaste and Abrasiveness

While we can’t list every single brand of toothpaste on the market (we’d need 2-3 blog posts to do that), here is a list of toothpastes currently on the market to give you a general idea of how abrasive your preferred brand may be:

Name Brand RDA

Toothbrush with tap water None 4
Baking Soda None 7
Dental Care Arm & Hammer 35
Cavity Protection Colgate 70
Advance White Arm & Hammer 106
Extra Whitening Crest 130
None Pepsodent 150
Advance Whitening Colgate 200

What Abrasiveness is Recommended?

This subject is currently under debate by scientists and dentists alike. Some say that an RDA of 250 is no worse than an RDA of 50. Other dentists recommend anything under a 75 rating. For those people who have worn tooth enamel or gingival recession, it’s best to try to stay under a 70 rating. If you’re unsure, ask your dentist for his/her recommendation based upon your oral health requirements.

Research has shown that 50% of abrasion occurs within the first 20 seconds of brushing. This means the teeth that you first start brushing will bear the biggest brunt of the abrasiveness.

Dental Care in Downtown Chicago

If you have any questions about toothpaste that weren’t answered in this blog post, give Water Tower Dental Care a call to schedule a consultation (312) 787-2131. If you haven’t had your teeth cleaned in over a year, come see us as soon as possible. Regular teeth cleanings are essential for good oral health and can prevent complications from arising down the road.

​7 Unique Things to do in Chicago this Winter

December 7th, 2017

chicago winterWinters in Chicago bring forth endless opportunities for fun and entertainment. Just because it’s cold outside is no excuse to stay home every night for the next 2-3 months. We’ve compiled a list of our top 7 unique things to do in Chicago this winter time.

Adler after Dark

The Adler Planetarium holds a monthly “Adler after Dark” event for people 21 and over. Each event is themed for a planet in our solar system. The entire event is held inside the planetarium, so there’s no need to get bundled up in heavy clothes. Many people will dress up (cosplay) and there is a contest held for best costume. The cosplay events have become an underground sensation for Chicago locals.

If dressing up isn’t for you, you can still enjoy the museum and planetarium and have a few cocktails while you’re at it.

When: Every 3rd Tuesday of the month

Where: Adler Planetarium

Cost: $20 general admission ($25 at the door, based on availability)

Zoo Lights at the Lincoln Park Zoo

If you’re looking for something a little more family oriented, check out the Zoo Lights at Lincoln Park Zoo. The entire zoo gets decked out in Christmas and holiday-themed lights and events after dark. There will be live ice-sculpture carving, holiday snacks, warm spiced wine for mom and dad and even photos with Santa Claus!

When: Misc dates in December and January. Check the website for more info.

Where: Lincoln Park Zoo

Cost: Free! Be sure to get there early as there can be crowds.

Holiday Improv Comedy

If you’re looking for a great winter idea for date night, look no further than The Second City’s Holidazed and Confused Revue: Mandatory Merriment. It’s a mouthful to say, but the amount of laughs, guffaws, and improv comedy will be sure to have you and your date leaving with a smile on your face.

This holiday-themed improv comedy show has been getting rave reviews from both critics and the general public alike. Alcohol will be served but you won’t need a drop in order to find this comedy troupe funny.

When: Misc dates in December. Check the website for more info.

Where: UP Comedy Club. 230 W. North Ave, Chicago, IL 60614

Cost: General Admission: $36.00

Music Box Christmas Show

When it comes to iconic holiday movies, there’s no better than White Christmas and It’s a Wonderful Life. While you could turn on Netflix and watch them from your living room, you don’t quite get the entire experience of what the Music Box Christmas Show is all about.

People from all over Chicago attend this annual popular event and sing holiday songs, Christmas carols, and visit with Santa Claus. Lyrics to each of the songs are projected onto the screen so nobody will miss a tune.

You can see one or two movies – if you stay for 2nd movie (White Christmas) you can sing along with the likes of Irving Berlin, Bing Crosby, Danny Kay and Rosemary Clooney. While audience participation is optional, you can bet the entire theater is going to be singing along and cheering for Jimmy Stewart and hissing at Mr. Potter.

When: Saturday, December 9th to Sunday, December 24th

Where: Music Box Theatre. 3733 N Southport Ave. Chicago, IL 60613

Cost: Regular reserved: $13. Child Reserved: $10. Seats sell out quickly, check website for more details on ticket availability.

Snow Sledding (Various)

What would a Chicago winter be without snow? There are plenty of places in and around the city you can go to enjoy some good wholesome snow sledding with the whole family. While Chicago may not have the mountains that Colorado does, it does have plenty of local hills around the city where you and the family can enjoy a day of sledding. From Cricket Hill to Dan Ryan Woods, you’ll be sure to find a secluded (or not so secluded) place to enjoy the cold fluffy white stuff on the ground.

When: Whenever it snows!

Where: Various locations around Chicago

Cost: Free!


The Christkindlmarket has been a holiday tradition in Chicago since 1996. It’s an outdoor market that features arts, crafts, and lots of German holiday food and drink. The annual event has become so popular that there are now three locations to choose from: Daily Plaza, Naperville, and Park at Wrigley. Come stop by and get your souvenir mug from the Christkindlmarket!

When: November 17 – December 24, 2017

Where: Daily Plaza, Naperville, and Park at Wrigley

Cost: Free!

Ice skating in Millennium Park

No winter in Chicago should be considered “complete” until you’ve skated Millennium Park. The outdoor ice rink is free to the general public and skate rentals are just $12 Monday – Thursday and $14 on Friday – Sunday (and holidays).

Come join your fellow Chicagoans in celebrating winter and the holiday seasons by strapping on a pair of ice skates and having some fun!

When: Hours vary, see website for more details.

Where: Millennium Park

Cost: Free!

Chicago in the Wintertime

No matter if you’re flying solo, going on a date, or out with the family – there’s something for everyone on this list. Keep in mind that many of these events are well-known and popular with Chicago locals, so be sure to arrive a little early in case the event/venue gets sold out or too crowded. Also be sure to dress warm (and in layers) if you’ll be participating in outdoor activities.